The Smiths Down Under

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 15th - 21st

Sunday we tried a new church…Northbeach Baptist Church. A minister from Prestonwood did her internship there and recommended it to us. After church we went to Cottesloe beach, probably our first “successful” beach trip. We lathered up with sun screen thankfully because in looking at the couple of spots I missed on myself I would have been FRIED! The sun here is very intense and we have to be very careful. The kids put on sunscreen before school and the school has a hat policy…”no hat, no play”. After the beach Sunday I went to the market for fruits and vegetables and then we prepared for our cookout at the beach, which ended up being at King’s Park since all of the “barbies” were taken at the beach. What an incredible meal. Clint made his yummy guacamole dip and chicken fajitas…DELICIOUS! Our friends Karis and Tyson met us there and we treated Tyson to some sweet, sweet tea! Monday the boys went to school and I got my hair done! On the way to get my hair done I was listening to as close to a Christian radio station you can get, and there were two things that took me by surprise. The first one caught my attention because it was an advertisement for “BABY EARTH”, an organic day care environment. Sounds “divine” (a common word used by Australians and people from the UK and it simply makes me smile when I hear it) I thought. But as I listened more I found out that they provide day care through the night so that “you can have a balanced life and not miss out on a social life”. Hmm???... The other thing that caught my attention was a particular organization that had a job opening but there was a requirement…you had to be white. What???!!! Did I hear that right? Can they do that? Luke got out a half day so I brought him home and he took his first nap since we’ve been here. It was nice as I had some work to do for my company. My company is feeling the effects of the economy and it seems every day I have client’s pulling their business. I am so grateful for the 9 years I have been working from home…what a blessing. So I have to trust that God has our best interest in mind with whatever HE chooses to do with the company. On Tuesday I went to YOGA for the first time and it was a bit different than my YOGA class in Frisco. It was a lot slower and the instructor said things like, “become one with the earth”??!!! That night I made spaghetti but ended up dumping it in the trash when the kids weren’t looking. The hamburger meat tasted horrible. The kids eat spaghetti with only sauce so theirs was fine. Ours on the other hand could not been eaten. Typically I eat whatever I have spent time making, even if it does not turn out very good. This was just awful. But since we had just given the kids the speech - “kids, things are going to taste different…we just have to get use to it…yes, you have to eat it”…etc.etc. we couldn’t let them see us put it in the trash. BUT sweet little Mackenzie busted us and informed us that we were wasting food and that we should put it in the backyard and make compost! SERIOUSLY?!?!! Our jaws dropped and then it hit is like a ton of bricks…this move WILL change our kids! Hopefully most of it will be for the best but oh how we need to pray that the things they have been and will be exposed to will just make for great learning experiences and teaching opportunities. They have been in a Christian school for the past several years and now they are in a school that does not teach or instill Christian values but seeks to accommodate all types of people with every religious background you can think of. I was at the school one day and heard a student say “hell” and my stomach dropped even though it was just that word. Then the song by Casting Crowns started playing in my head – “Be careful little ears what you hear…” Wednesday we also had an appointment at the Embassy but again we had to cancel because the documents still are not ready. So with the boys in school I went downtown to have lunch with Clint at Tony Roma’s! Yes, just like in the US. Very nice. When we were eating he pointed out that I never came to eat lunch with him when he was working in Ft. Worth. I felt bad thinking how busy our lives had gotten that I did not take the time to do that! Oh Lord, let us embrace the slower pace life we have right now! Thursday I went to cycle and it kicked my rear. I do enjoy the Australian instructors as they make it fun just listening to them. Thursday afternoon on the way home from school the boys gave me a great laugh as I heard them in the back seat discussing the best way to buckle God in His seatbelt. It was quite a serious conversation. Later that afternoon we went to the lake that is right by our house. You will see pictures below of the black swans and pelicans. We did homework at the lake and had our afternoon snack. Also thought it would be nice for Clint to come home to a quiet house. I suspected that he needed it and boy was I right! He shared with me that night many of his thoughts, concerns, struggles and frustrations – politics, the economy, fears with work (b/c of economy) and us being here, missing the people at EOG, the liberal society we are exposing our kids to and anything and everything in between. After our conversation we simply prayed together thanking God that HE holds us in his hands. We also prayed for wisdom and know that he provides it generously to those that ask him for it (James 1:6). I have struggled a bit this week as well but God reminded me of a verse “Have no fear of bad news” (can't remember where that is found). I received an email from a friend this week and God laid it on her heart to tell me that HE “has greater plans”. Typically I find it very cool to get a word from the Lord but this time instead of encouraging me, I allowed it to disturb me! Do you remember my Christmas letter and that I really felt like I was overcoming the sins of fear and worry? Well, everything that I learned went out the window early this week. Thankfully, God forgives and HIS grace never runs out. We are just having a hard time sinking our feet in here. While there has been NO indication WHATSOEVER that we could be brought home any day now it is difficult to constantly hear about people losing their jobs and not have the concern that it could be a possibility. Please don’t misunderstand - home sounds REALLY good right now – BUT we want to get the full experience before coming home. So we remind ourselves to embrace each day for “THIS is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!” I think the solution is to simply NOT talk about how bad the economy is because it just allows for fear and negativity to set it, which is just simply draining!!! Friday morning it’s just mommy and Luke. I have to bribe him to go to the gym. (can’t miss “body pump” – my favorite class) He reminded me first thing this morning, “Mommy – I get anything I want today since I’m the only kid, right?” He did get his own muffin and smoothie (no sharing today!) while I visited with some Australian women at the “DOME” (Australian version of Starbucks). I met a lady through the Arbonne website. I had stocked up on Arbonne before leaving the US but put it all in our air freight that I expected to get within 10 days. (STILL no air freight). She is a precious woman and invited me to “tea” along with some of her other friends! It was so fun as they told me different words they use for things, where to find things, stuff about their culture, etc. Clint works half days on Friday so Luke and I met him at the house and we took Luke out for a special lunch. Then we went to get Reid and the girls from school. It was so fun to see them get so excited that Daddy was there to pick them up. Friday night we went for “fish and chips” at Cottesloe Beach. Saturday we did typical errands and then that night we went to King’s Park and had fajitas and guacamole dip again…YUMMY! Tyson and Karis came and also new friends, Wade and Pam and their four girls. Their daughter, Gabriella, has become Kennedy’s special friend at school. They also have a girl Mackenzie’s age and they are becoming good friends too. After grilling we watched BOLT on the big screen right there in the park. In some ways I am glad this week is over. It was a bit of a tough week mentally, spiritually and emotionally. However, I have had some great time with the Lord the last few days and know that HE always has our best interest in mind.


  1. As always, thanks for the update & the great pictures. It is great knowing that not only are the kids making friends but that you & Clint are meeting some really nice couples. I can't wait to tell Freda Barrington about Pam & Wade spending time with ya'll. I just love the hats the kids wear. I want one!!!! Unfortunately I will not look good in it but who cares. The outdoor movie looks like ablot of good family fun. As far as a "tough" week....keep the faith....I know God has a plan for The Smith 6!! Can't wait for the next installment!!!!

    Love you, MOM

  2. How awesome the pictures are. I will have to email you after I process all you poured out on this post. I want to cry, send you a hug, smile, laugh! I know God has you all in your hands. We love and miss you!
